Thursday, November 20, 2008

Greed & Disaster

We can never make sure what’s going to be tomorrow. The power of science and knowledge can somehow illustrate certain extent of possible occurrence forward. However it will just come without any absolute warranty. This tells that human has got its own limit upon the end of destination to reach. There would another power that will deal with the final result of what have done.

Nowadays, most of countries all over the world are suffering from what we called as global crisis to be. It sounds terrible due to dreadful economic crisis East Asian had in 1997 till the beginning of the twenty first century. It’s time for the Uncle Sam to start the worldwide turmoil after the severe decline of her plummeting financial crisis. The super-state that holds one third of total global GDP automatically led the rest of the world into the same challenge to face. Almost all countries worldwide have got either direct or indirect connection with the superpower, the USA. It comes to our mind now, what sort of factors driving us to such disaster which is called as global crisis? The simple answer for this teasing question is ‘greed’.

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