Monday, September 15, 2008

Faith plus Commitment Equals a Lot

Living as human on earth accordingly comes with lots of problems that might be unexpected to happen. It always colors the everyday life we undergo from second to second. Some are miserable while others offer the very lesson learned to grow far wiser. Problems in this case would be the spice of life by which we could know better how to behave and how to live. In addition, lessons sometimes teach us plenty of wisdoms that will guide us home toward all kinds of matters in life.

There are many ways offered by professional consultants to resolve the occurring problems that we are facing at the moment. The approaches vary. Some have been proven to be effective to tackle the problems. But the rest lead to no where of confusion. That's the fact of which things in mind get much more complicated. Getting stuck at this point, everything seems to be unresolved and bothering souls of peace deep inside our heart. Where do we have to go?

Problems are problems. They are just problems where we have to pass by over lifetime. All worrying cases appeared frightening at the beginning. But at last, they would be just simply a story like other things we used to have in general. Problems are no different from happiness and fun we are pleased by. The key word to deal with problems would refer totally to how to behave and treat them.  In short, ask your faith.

Faith is a deep belief in soul that could not be explained much rationally sometimes. Though the first steps of faith building spends plenty of energy to rationalize, justify, and do efforts. In this regard faith involves commitment as human to conduct as destined in the sense of natural law. Just like to say that we have to eat whenever we feel hungry, faith also contains of personal responsibility to deal with matters

However, faith is more than such expression and always-make senses paths. Few seconds of heart feeling might be leading someone to thre real sign of faith to believe in. It is said like the whisper of revealed mercy. Faith is going to keep optimism and belief of life justice no matter what the case is. After all, we'd like to state that faith means significant over life.

Brothers and sisters believe in your heart. No regarding doubt in mind. Combine you faith with and after your top commitment. Afterwards, you will find that faith and commitment values a lot for everything in your life.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good, Life, and Death

No debating what good and bad are. Our sensible memory censor has got its own way to process input of communication, hearing, and responses over surrounding. Happiness is happiness in mind and soul. No matter what the claims about the way to get and express, it has to be on the same line of comfort feeling, unless expression of happiness would be just a pseudo-manner of someone to hide the very terrible sadness of heart. Good always walk hand in hand with happiness. Contrary to that, bad no matter what and how will just end up with sorrow and misery.

Yes, it’s true and believed. Every one has got his own way to live his life, endeavors to create good impression, memory, and appreciation of one’s self and may be others. Not only about how to achieve success of hundred dreams obsessed, but also to be meaningful and valuable in every conduct. Though different values and norms of each may lead to a bit confusing social disorder, it somehow occurs due to a lack of sensible manner to be a social being. To live our life just takes place as a natural sense of being a creature on earth to appear meaningful, valuable, acceptable, sociable, trustable, and many more among others.

Assuming life never becomes personal matter to deal with, we realize as well that after death would be just he same. The fact is that human can never live alone without others’ love and existence. Self ego to appeal won’t be wise habit to continue. Separating one’s self from others in this regard won’t be right manner to live together. It’s togetherness that will guide us home to live our existence much better on earth.

What we left is what we have done to ourselves and others from something good or bad, even in different meaning of views. People would know what and how once we were living together with them. That’s called left-impression among beings. Though history might be manipulated until we haven’t know for sure what really happened to the victim of Holocaust. Somehow, nature would never lie to see the fact of past time as soon as time discovers the real truth.

No debating about how to make good or bad. When you go straight away to rest in peace due to the fact that the rest of soul and mind would be just yours and the belief God power. Since peace could be easily termed and stated during someone’s funeral and condolence letter, we couldn’t neglect the existence of peace itself just occurs to be known after the ending work of our neocortex. If good wanted upon people, we have to do good for them while still breathing. If peace and the rest of soul wanted in heaven, we have to create peace and the rest of nature and all beings on earth at least.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Patience Values More Than Believed

We have been full of philosophy and encouragement, teaching about how to set up our dream of life and to achieve them in the strong way of self determination. That’s all coloring our minds whenever we have chance to get some particular achievements. Unfortunately being that familiar with such hot encouraging philosophy and motivation, we forgot one important question, “To what extent could we get patient over the process of achieving success?”
Klinik Kesehatan Wanita di Surabaya

We always ignore the importance of our capacity of waiting, the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset or to preserve calmly when with difficulties. It’s well known as ‘Patience’. Such attitude may be regarded lack of speed, old-fashioned, even hopeless in which no self-determination inside. It’s totally improper to say so. Patience is more than just waiting without strong willing and commitment by which most of world motivators recommend. It guides human being to know how to behave properly over the existing and coming situation possible. Patience here means a lot and cannot be simply reduced in definition.

So, to what extend would you be confident that patience values more than believed by people ? Find out your selves.

Never Give Up

Terkadang tidak setiap hal dalam hidup yang direncakana berjalan dengan lancar. Mengapa demikian terjadi persisnya? Mungkin hanya Tuhan yan...