Friday, September 12, 2008

Patience Values More Than Believed

We have been full of philosophy and encouragement, teaching about how to set up our dream of life and to achieve them in the strong way of self determination. That’s all coloring our minds whenever we have chance to get some particular achievements. Unfortunately being that familiar with such hot encouraging philosophy and motivation, we forgot one important question, “To what extent could we get patient over the process of achieving success?”
Klinik Kesehatan Wanita di Surabaya

We always ignore the importance of our capacity of waiting, the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset or to preserve calmly when with difficulties. It’s well known as ‘Patience’. Such attitude may be regarded lack of speed, old-fashioned, even hopeless in which no self-determination inside. It’s totally improper to say so. Patience is more than just waiting without strong willing and commitment by which most of world motivators recommend. It guides human being to know how to behave properly over the existing and coming situation possible. Patience here means a lot and cannot be simply reduced in definition.

So, to what extend would you be confident that patience values more than believed by people ? Find out your selves.

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